Purgatory: The First of Many Reasons Why I Could Never Be Catholic

This article is the first in a series I will be writing regarding my concerns with the official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). Someone very close to me recently converted to Catholicism and has become an avid Catholic apologist and teaches catechism at their local parish. While we have very amicable conversations about the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism, there are just too many serious theological issues within the RCC for me even to consider changing my faith.

One of my biggest concerns –– if not the biggest –– is the Catholic doctrine of purgatory (formally declared 1274 AD).1 I find this belief to be contrary to God’s nature and His infallible Word: The Bible. Why would God the Father, whose Son voluntarily underwent an excruciating death to pay for our sin and save us from eternal damnation, then turn around and send us to purgatory to be sanctified by an agonizing fire for an indefinite amount of time? Was the Savior’s sacrifice or the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work (Philippians 1:6) insufficient to the task? Why would a loving Father do this to His own children? Why do Catholics believe this when there is virtually no scriptural support for it outside of their additional books2 in the Roman Catholic Bible?3


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